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С. - Незалежна представницька суддівська панель
К. - Кількість та представництво учасників
Т., С., К.
Т., К., С.
С., Т., К.
С., К., Т.
К., С., Т.
К., Т., С.
Тільки Т.
Тільки С., К.
Тільки К., С.

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 Кто легко склонен терять уважение к другим, тот, прежде всего, не уважает себя.   /Федор Достоевский/

 Человек - единственное животное, которое причиняет другим боль, не имея при этом  никакой другой цели.  /Артур Шопенгауэр/

 Грехи других судить Вы все усердно рвётесь, начните со своих и до чужих не  доберётесь.   /Уильям Шекспир/

 О нас думают плохо лишь те, кто хуже нас, а те кто лучше нас... Им просто не до нас.   /Омар Хайям/

 Если про тебя идут слухи, значит, ты — личность. Запомни: никогда не обсуждают и не завидуют плохому. Завидуют лучшим, обсуждают лучших. Лучше быть центром внимания, имея скандальную репутацию, чем находиться в примитивном стаде осуждающих.   /Курт Кобейн/

тема: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
новые сообщения сверху

11.02.2025 21:09
RE:[4]: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei


Аноним> Підтримую. Що нам робити? Треба розповсюджувати цей лист в соц.мережах і тегати там Донні. Але, це нічого не дасть...

Аноним> Але не можна мовчати, треба щось робити...

Аноним> Ахах, и ДВлох лайкнул пост Ярослава 🤣 точно такое же чмо как и дони, только на мовє.

Аноним> Эта борьба в пустую. дони крепко закрепился с айдайкой, прям как собачки на вязке. Теперь нет смысла вообще посещать все англ "турниры". И это еще китайчики не полным составом, приезжают.

Аноним> В одном случае , может ждать успех украинскую пару, если вы гнилые до мозга костей и много бабла.

Donnie Birnsконечно позорище. Ехать на сборы к тому же Рюпину. В страну, жители которой убивают украинских детей..слов нет приличных. А сам Рюпин,так вижу,уже в Сербии живёт,видимо. А что так? Не патриот?
10.01.2025 22:53
RE:[4]: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei


Аноним> Підтримую. Що нам робити? Треба розповсюджувати цей лист в соц.мережах і тегати там Донні. Але, це нічого не дасть...

Аноним> Але не можна мовчати, треба щось робити...

Аноним> Ребята уже разделили рынки и сферы влияния. И наш рынок, их уже не интересует. Квоты будут или маленькие ,или вообще закроют. И то , если вы захотите посещать турниры , где вас будет оценивать айдайчик.

Аноним> Танцуйте для себя , как хобби и будет вам счастье. Не спонсируйте режимы, диктаторов. Не будьте частью этой гнилой системы. Там где крутятся большие деньги - Изменить не получится

зашибись Шевченко выставляет посты радости, когда в Запорожье горе, мудак ты руслан
24.10.2024 10:16
RE:[3]: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei


Аноним> Підтримую. Що нам робити? Треба розповсюджувати цей лист в соц.мережах і тегати там Донні. Але, це нічого не дасть...

Аноним> Але не можна мовчати, треба щось робити...

Ребята уже разделили рынки и сферы влияния. И наш рынок, их уже не интересует. Квоты будут или маленькие ,или вообще закроют. И то , если вы захотите посещать турниры , где вас будет оценивать айдайчик.
Танцуйте для себя , как хобби и будет вам счастье. Не спонсируйте режимы, диктаторов. Не будьте частью этой гнилой системы. Там где крутятся большие деньги - Изменить не получится
24.10.2024 10:09
RE:[3]: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei


Аноним> Підтримую. Що нам робити? Треба розповсюджувати цей лист в соц.мережах і тегати там Донні. Але, це нічого не дасть...

Аноним> Але не можна мовчати, треба щось робити...

Ахах, и ДВлох лайкнул пост Ярослава 🤣 точно такое же чмо как и дони, только на мовє.
Эта борьба в пустую. дони крепко закрепился с айдайкой, прям как собачки на вязке. Теперь нет смысла вообще посещать все англ "турниры". И это еще китайчики не полным составом, приезжают.
В одном случае , может ждать успех украинскую пару, если вы гнилые до мозга костей и много бабла.
23.10.2024 11:56
RE:[2]: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei

Підтримую. Що нам робити? Треба розповсюджувати цей лист в соц.мережах і тегати там Донні. Але, це нічого не дасть...
Але не можна мовчати, треба щось робити...
23.10.2024 11:53
RE:: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei

23.10.2024 09:32
RE:: Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
ответ на сообщение от Аноним
Аноним> Dear friends,

Аноним> It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.

Аноним> What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.

Аноним> After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.

Аноним> Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.

Аноним> I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.

Аноним> Unfortunately the list goes on.

Аноним> I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.

Аноним> Iaroslav Bieliei

Не думаю, что Ярославу удастся одолеть Дони, но письмо, в любом случае, заслуживает уважения - мужественный и патриотичный поступок!!!
20.10.2024 21:54
Прошу поддержать и распространить среди прогрессивного танцевального сообщества
Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write this. Over the past three months, we have witnessed the moral and ethical collapse of what was once a proud institution for every professional ballroom dancer and fan.
What drives the person in charge to lead us into this void remains unclear, but dangerous precedents have been set, and the weaponization of the dance space continues.
After 19 years in charge, Mr. Donnie Burns, President of World Dance Council, in a matter of just 90 days, has managed to do the unimaginable. It began with the most controversial competition in U.S. dancesport history—one that sparked protests outside the competition venue in Jersey City by community leaders. Since then, we have seen multiple trips to Moscow to support ballroom dancing in a country that is actively exterminating its neighbors in Ukraine and threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear annihilation.
Then, on Saturday, October 19, another dark chapter was written. We witnessed the President of the World Dance Council Mr. Donnie Burns, from the Kremlin State Palace Stage, endorsing the Kremlin Cup—a storefront competition of an organization (Russian Dance Union) that spreads Russian state propaganda, legitimizes the occupation of Ukraine, and supports the Russian regime.
I started dancing in September 1997, just before Donnie came into power. Since then, I’ve watched the industry crumble under his leadership year after year: three splits of federations, the downfall of Blackpool Dance Festival as an institution, rampant corruption in the judging system, the collapse of World and European Championship titles, and a massive exodus of competitors and National organizations from the WDC. Needless to mention his ties with RDU that has been involved with cultural cleansing and Russification of occupied territories including the city of Mariupol.
Unfortunately the list goes on.
I call for Donnie Burns to resign, retire or be removed from his position in World Dance Council. Stop keeping dance community a hostage of your EGO, we all deserve better.
Iaroslav Bieliei

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1) Дискуссия предназначена для людей каким-либо образом связанными с танцами, поэтому публикации не связанные с танцами не желательны;

2) Все участники дискуссии должны быть взаимно вежливыми друг к другу и третьим лицам;

3) В дискуссиях запрещается:
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в) публиковать сообщения с явным оскорбительным содержанием, угрожающих, клеветнических сообщений в адрес участников дискуссии и третьих лиц.

Администрация сайта оставляет за собой право удалять или редактировать неприемлемые сообщения. Попытки размещения таких сообщений могут привести к вашему дальнейшему отключению от дискуссии. Настоятельная просьба - не цитировать оскорбительные посты.
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